

Viseux FJ, Billot M, Handrigan G, Simoneau M. Ankle Torque Variance Is A Better Indicator of Balance Control Performance than Plantar Perceptual Sensitivity Threshold. J Appl Physiol (1985). 2024 Sep 5. doi: 10.1152/japplphysiol.00091.2024. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39236110.


O’Neil J, Dionne N, Marchand S, Cardinal D, Handrigan G, Savard J. (2024). Reach, Adoption, and Implementation Strategies of a Telehealth Fall Prevention Program: Perspectives From Francophone Communities Across Canada. Health Promot Pract. May 17:15248399241252807. doi: 10.1177/15248399241252807. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38757965.



Gallibois, M., Handrigan, G., Caissie, L., Cooling, K., Hébert, J., Jarrett, P., McGibbon, C., Read, E., Sénéchal, M., Bouchard, DRB. (2023). The Effect of a Standing Intervention on Falls in Long Term Care: A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Canadian Geriatrics Journal. Accepté, en cours de publication.


McCain, J.E., Caissie, L., Edwards, J., Handrigan, G., McGibbon, C., Hebert, J., Gallibois, M., Cooling, K.M., Read, E., Sénéchal, M., Bouchard, D.R. (2023). Long-term care residents’ acceptance of a standing intervention: A qualitative intrinsic case study. Geriatric Nursing. Feb 10;50:94-101. doi: 10.1016/j.gerinurse.2023.01.024.


McGibbon C., Jarrett P., Handrigan G., Bouchard D., Tranchant C.C., Sexton A.M., Yetman L., Robinson B., Crapoulet S., Chamard-Witkowski L., Liu-Ambrose T., Middleton L.E., Almeida Q.J., Bherer L., Lim A., Speechley M., Kamkar N., Montero Odasso M.; Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA), CAN-THUMBS UP Group. Protocol for SYNchronising Exercises, Remedies in GaIt and Cognition at Home (SYNERGIC@Home): feasibility of a home-based double-blind randomised controlled trial to improve gait and cognition in individuals at risk for dementia. BMJ Open. 2022 Mar 31;12(3):e059988. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-059988.


Handrigan, GA. (2021). Balance Control and Prevention of Falls in Older Adults. Physiology of Exercise and Healthy Aging; 2e edition. Windsor, ON: Human Kinetics Canada, 21 pages.


Gaudet, J., Handrigan, G. (2020). Assessing the Validity and Reliability of A Low-Cost Microcontroller-Based Load Cell Amplifier for Measuring Lower Limb and Upper Limb Muscular Force. Sensors, 20, 4999. doi: 10.3390/s20174999

Lavallière, M., Tremblay, M., Lefebvre, F., Billot M and Handrigan G.A. (2020) Aging, Obesity, and Motor Vehicle Collisions. Front. Sustain. Cities 2:33. doi: 10.3389/frsc.2020.00033


Chamard Witkowski L, Mallet M, Bélanger M, Marrero A and Handrigan G. (2019). Cognitive-Postural Interference in Multiple Sclerosis. Front. Neurol. 10:913. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00913

Lavallière, M., Blackburn, P., Beaulieu, L.-D. & Handrigan, G.A. (2019). Les rencontres actives (« Walking Meeting ») pour favoriser la réflexion et le bien-être physique en contexte scolaire. Le Tableau, 8 (6) : 1927-551X.

Corbeil, P., Plamondon, A., Handrigan, G., Vallée-Marcotte, J., Laurendeau, S., Ten Have, J. & Manzerolle, N. (2019). Biomechanical analysis of manual material handling movement in healthy weight and obese workers. Applied Ergonomics; 74: 124-133.


Handrigan G.A., Maltais, N., Teasdale, N., Hue, O., Corbeil, P., Hamel, D., Lamontagne, P., Gagné, M., Brown, J., Jean, S. (2017). Sex-specific association between obesity and self-reported falls and injuries among community dwelling Canadians aged 65 years and over. Osteoporosis International; 28(2): 483-494.


Boucher, F., Handrigan, G.A., Mackrous, I., Hue, O. (2015). Childhood obesity affects postural control and aiming performance during an upper limb movement. Gait and Posture; 42(2): 116-121.

Black, N., Fortin, A-P., Handrigan, G.A. Posture and perception variations when using manually adjustable and programmable sit-stand workstations in an emergency call center. (2015). IIE Transactions on Occupational Ergonomics and Human Factors; 3(2): 127-138.

Billot, M., Handrigan, G.A., Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N. Reduced plantar sole sensitivity induces balance control modifications to compensate ankle tendon vibration and vision deprivation. (2015). Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology; 25(1): 155-160.


Teasdale, N., Simoneau, M., Corbeil, P., Handrigan, G.A., Tremblay, A., Hue, O. (2013). Obesity alters balance and movement control. Current Obesity Reports; 2:235-240.

Billot M., Handrigan, G.A., Simoneau, M., Corbeil, P., Teasdale, N. (2013). Short term alteration of postural control after a reduction of plantar mechanoreceptor sensation through cooling. Neuroscience Letters; 535:40-44.

Dutil, M., Handrigan, G.A., Corbeil, P., Cantin, V., Simoneau, M., Teasdale, N., Hue, O. (2013). The impact of obesity on balance control in community dwelling older women. AGE; 35(3):883-890.


Lavallière, M., Handrigan, G.A., Teasdale, N., Corbeil, P. (2012). Obesity, where is it driving us? Journal of Transportation Safety & Security; 4(2):83-93.

Handrigan, G.A., Berrigan, F., Hue, O., Simoneau, M., Corbeil, P., Tremblay, A., Teasdale, N. (2012). The effects of muscle strength on center of pressure-based measures of postural sway in obese and heavy athletic individuals. Gait and Posture; 35(1):88-91.

Power, G.A., Handrigan, G.A., Basset, F., (2012). Ventilatory response during an incremental exercise test: a mode of testing effect. European Journal of Sport Science; 12(6):491-498.


Handrigan, G.A., Power, G.A., MacKinnon, S.N., Basset, F. (2011). The biomechanical characteristics and physiological cost of three standardized pulling tasks. Occupational Ergonomics; 10(1-2):1-11.

Basset, F.A., Cahill, F., Handrigan, G.A., DuCharme, M.B., Cheung, S.S. (2011). The effect of lower body cooling on the changes in three core temperature indices. Physiological Measurements; 32(4), 385-394.


Handrigan, G.A., Corbeil, P., Simoneau, M., Teasdale N. (2010). Balance control is altered in obese individuals. Journal of Biomechanics; 43(2), 383-384.

Handrigan, G.A., Hue, O., Simoneau, M., Corbeil, P., Marceau, P., Marceau, S., Tremblay, A., Teasdale N. (2010). Weight loss and muscular strength affect static balance control. International Journal of Obesity; 34, 936-942.